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On Senin, 24 Maret 2014
Salam Blogger !!. Bertemu lagi dengan saya Mr. Cheaters. Tak usah panjang lebar, kali ini saya akan membahas artikel tentang cheat Call of Duty. Jika agan agan ingin melihat cheat tersebut, simak cheat tersebut dengan baik baik. Langsung saja ini dia cheatnya.
Console Cheats
Create a shortcut to
the ''CoDSP.exe'' file located in the Call Of Duty program files. Right
click on the shortcut and go to properties. Go to where it says
''Target'' and add the following onto the end of the existing link:
+set thereisacow 1337 +set developer 1 +set sv_cheats 1 +set monkeytoy 0
So the link should now say something like:
''C:\Program Files\Call of Duty\CoDSP.exe'' +set thereisacow 1337 +set developer 1 +set sv_cheats 1 +set monkeytoy 1
go into the game and bring down the console by pushing the button above
''TAB'', then enter the code from below for the desired effect.
Some codes apparently crash the game. All of these codes worked fine
for me when I tested them, so make sure you do everything correctly and
they should work for you too.
Effect | Code |
Allows the player to zoom around the level, going up with jump and down with crouch. | ufo |
Disables the on screen icons, such as radar and health. Useful for taking good screenshots. | toggle cg_draw2d |
Displays lines where the light comes through the leaves. | toggle r_showLeafLights |
Displays numbers on each texture. | toggle r_showtricounts |
Displays where you can access. | toggle r_showportals |
enemies ignore you | notarget |
Gives the player 10 Grenades and 1 Panzerfaust. May not work on some levels / crash the game. | give ammo |
Gives the player all weapons in the game as well as filling up health. | give all |
gives you a weapon, object or health | give (insert desried object here) |
invulnerability | god |
Kills the player. | kill |
Makes the ground and walls white. | toggle r_lightmap |
Makes your weapons invisible. Useful for people with lag. | toggle cg_drawgun |
Puts the camera at the 3rd person view. You are usually invisible though. | toggle cg_thirdperson |
Puts the game in multi-colours. | toggle r_measureOverdraw |
Removes clouds and makes the sky lighter. | toggle r_fastsky |
Restarts the current level. | map_restart |
Shows scripts above all soldiers and highlights important objects. | toggle g_entinfo |
Shows some stats about the game in the console. | r_vc_stats |
Shows the game in wireframe. | toggle r_showtris |
Shows your co-ordinates in the console. | viewpos |
Some textures turn invisible. | toggle r_lockpvs |
Tells you what each texture is. | toggle cg_drawshader |
walk through walls | noclip |
Gravity and Speed Console Cheats
The following codes only work if you have set up the Console Cheats shortcut. While in game, press the tilde key (~) to open up the console to enter the cheats . Once entered you should get a message (also in the console) stating that the setting has been changed to whatever the variable was that you entered.
Note: You may want to put GODmode on when using low gravity if you dont want to die as soon as you land from your 500 foot jump..
Effect | Code |
Replace #### with a variable 1-9999. Changes the effects of gravity the lower the number the less gravity. | /set g_gravity #### |
Replace #### with a variable 1-9999. Changes your running speed. The higher the number the faster you run. | /set g_speed #### |
Slow or speed time (Default is 1) | timescale # (from .1 to 10) |
Play Any Level
When in a Single Player game bring down the console with the key above ''TAB'', and type the following to play any map you want.
Effect | Code |
Play "Airfield" Map. | map airfield |
Play "Berlin" Map. | map berlin |
Play "Brecourt" Map. | map brecourt |
Play "Burnville" Map. | map burnville |
Play "Car Ride" Map. | map carride |
Play "Chateau" Map. | map chateau |
Play "Dam" Map. | map dam |
Play "Dawnville" Map. | map dawnville |
Play "Factory" Map. | map factory |
Play "Hurtgen" Map. | map hurtgen |
Play "Pathfinder" Map. | map pathfinder |
Play "Pavlov" Map. | map pavlov |
Play "Pegasus Day" Map. | map pegasusday |
Play "Pegasus Night" Map. | map pegasusnight |
Play "POW Camp" Map. | map powcamp |
Play "Rail Yard" Map. | map railyard |
Play "Red Square" Map. | map redsquare |
Play "Rocket" Map. | map rocket |
Play "Sewer" Map. | map sewer |
Play "Ship" Map. | map ship |
Play "Stalingrad" Map. | map stalingrad |
Play "Tank Drive Country" Map. | map tankdrivecountry |
Play "Tank Drive Town" Map. | map tankdrivetown |
Play "Train Station" Map. | map trainstation |
Play "Training" Map. | map training |
Play "Truck Ride" Map. | map truckride |
Single Player cheats (Demo)
Create a
shortcut and edit the properties of it and add this after all the other
stuff: ''+set monkeytoy 0 +set sv_cheats 1'' (without the quotes)
Start the game and press the tilde sign (~) to open the console.
If after you type one of these codes in the console it tells you that
''sv_cheats are read only'', then try typing this into the console:
setrandom sv_cheats 1
Enter some of these commands:
Effect | Code |
Gives player an object ("give mp 40", etc.) | give |
gives you full health | give health |
Invulnerability | god |
Semi-Automatic Weapons | /weapon 32 |
The enemies won't shoot you | notarget |
Walk through walls and such. | noclip |
Weapon Codes
At the command prompt, enter "give (mind the space) followed by any of the below strings to summon ammunition for that weapon. Note that the weapon itself will not be spawned, thus these are only useful if you already have the weapon itself. Handy if you come across a gun you love but can't find much ammo for it.
A word of warning: the game only caches certain weapons for each mission. If you attempt to summon a weapon that wasn't pre-cached, the game will kick you to the main screen. To be completely safe, only summon weapons that you currently have equipped.
Not listed is the "panzerfaust" string. Like I said, the weapon itself won't be spawned, so it's of no use due to the weapon's one-shot nature. Also not listed (because I ran out of fields) is the German grenade, string "stielhandgranate."
Effect | Code |
Bren LMG | bren |
Browning Automatic Rifle | bar |
Colt .45 | colt |
FG42 | fg42 |
Kar98k (regular) | kar98k |
Lee-Enfield | enfield |
Luger | luger |
M1 Garand | m1garand |
M1A1 Carbine | m1carbine |
M2 Frag Grenade | fraggrenade |
MK1 Frag Grenade | mk1britishfrag |
Mosin-Nagant (regular) | mosin_nagant |
MP40 | mp40 |
MP44 | mp44 |
PPsh | ppsh |
RGD-33 Frag Grenade | rgd-33russianfrag |
Scoped Kar98k | kar98k_sniper |
Scoped Mosin-Nagant | mosin_nagant_sniper |
Springfield | springfield |
Sten | sten |
Thompson | thompson |